Hand Painted Glass Cube & Stand With “Gourmet Galore!” Theme.


Beautifully detailed gourmet scenes hand painted on entire 2″ x 2″ glass cube. Attached to an 8″ tall and generously decorated arch stand. Gift box included. Free Priority shipping with tracking. 

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Artist meticulously hand painted 2″ x 2″ glass cube with detailed images of gourmet cookware, accouterments, cappuccino & espresso machine and white table cloth setting. Acrylic paints on glass sprayed with a clear varnish for a glossy finish. Attached to hand decorated 8″ tall arch stand with satin ribbon, charms and beads of various size, shape, color and texture.

A large espresso machine has two coffee mugs being filled up. A bright blue background with a mini picture of a mug above makes the image pop. below is a detailed red and white checkered counter. Next, against a red background, is an array of cast iron pots, pans, graters and bread tray. Another panel shows elegant supreme oils in glass compotes on a white table cloth with napkins and gourmet salads. A must for every chef, is a huge stack of gourmet cookware. Large pots, sauce pans, mix bowls and double boiler are silvery against a black background.

Glass cube is adorned with a detailed metal watermelon charm and satin ribbon. The decorative buttons are a grater, muffin pan, strainer basket, mixer with bowl and a “wood” pepper shaker.

Hand decorated 8″ tall arch stand with mini three dimensional forks, spoons and knives. Letter beads, spelling GOURMET, dangle on one side with textured beads. Sparkly blue sliver moon and star are attached at the top, along with the gold mesh bow. A plethora of decorative buttons include: an apron, chef’s hat and jacket, knives in holder, sauce pan and Four diverse coffee mugs imprinted with JAVA.

A beautiful decorative gift box is included for a lovely presentation and safe storage. Free Priority shipping with tracking.

The perfect,  one of a kind centerpiece for the distinguished gourmet cook!