Hand Painted Glass Cube Keepsake With “Surfs Up” Theme


Dynamic scenes of surfers and colorful beaches hand painted on entire glass cube. Adorned with letter beads hanger, satin ribbons and adorable mini sunglasses. Gift box included. Free Priority shipping with tracking.

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SKU: cubesurfing Category:


Artist meticulously hand painted colorful images on all four sides and bottom of 2″ x 2″ glass cube. Acrylic paints on glass sprayed with a clear varnish for a glossy finish. The glass cube is very light weight, free standing and can be hung as an ornament year round. Gift box included.

Against wild waves, is a determined surfer with long, swirling locks flying back. It is a dynamic scene with the surf board partially above water and the surfer’s pose firmly in place while riding the wave. Another side depicts a beach umbrella and purple surf board in the foreground. Bright green palm tree leaves dangle from above and white crests can be seen on the ocean in the distance.

Lots and lots of ocean is kicking up in this scene with a surfer dwarfed by the enormous wave engulfing him. Paint strokes of white and blue accentuate the momentous power of the wild big wave. A beautiful sunset on the ocean filled with purples, reds, yellows, white and blues adorns one of the panels. A silhouetted surfer is returning from a hard days run while white crests are still keeping the ocean active.

The glass cube is hand decorated with ribbons, yellow sunglasses decorative button, aquamarine sequin trim and beads of various size, shape, color and texture. Letter beads spell out: “SURF’S UP on the elastic hanger.

Free Priority shipping with tracking.

The perfect, one of a kind gift for those who love the surf!