Hand Painted Long Stem Wine Glass with “Big Red Bag, Black Leather Jacket and a Redhead” Theme.


Gorgeous 9″ tall wine glass hand painted with detailed models around the 12″ circumference. Beautiful gift box included. Free Priority shipping with tracking.

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SKU: wineglassbigredbag Category:


Artist meticulously hand painted 9″ Long Stem Wine Glass with Five High End Fashion Models in detailed ensembles, hairstyles, makeup, poses and expressions all around the 12″ circumference. The 5″ tall stem is hand decorated with satin ribbon and beads of various size, shape, color and texture. Acrylic paints on glass sprayed with a clear varnish for a glossy finish.

A model dons a highly detailed striped 3/4  sleeve dress with black, white, peach and reddish tones. This model’s expression exudes a confident mischief. The artist painted fine red lips and  nails to go with her luscious and highlighted long blonde locks. Double strands of a white pearl necklace accentuate the white stripes in the dress. A model with a bobbed, blonde and chic haircut strikes a pose, while her fingers dangle an over sized bright red bag at one shoulder. Detailed red and white round earrings compliment the big bag and jet black dress. This look is intriguing.

Here we have a model wearing black sunglasses that match her jet black and coiffed back hairstyle. A black turtle neck peers out among the gorgeous shades of purple in the coat that drapes over her shoulders. This is a continental jet setting ensemble. A black gloved hand appears from the coat which holds a designer clutch purse. Below, on the wine glass stem, is a satin ribbon that perfectly compliments the purples in the outfit. Taking it to another level, is a large round bead with swirls of purple, white and aquamarine which brilliantly compliments the entire model’s outfit. Magnificent!

A black leather jacket with zipper cuffs is unzipped to show off a super cool persona. The contrasting bleach blonde long hair style has a “messy” look that perfectly defines this tough, but slick look. The red hair of another model is like a sun burst. The mint green long sleeve, military inspired jacket creates a timeless classic style. The artist hand painted accessories to the finest detail. Polished nails in various colors, lush lips and dramatic eye makeup enhance each model to truly make this one of kind creation enigmatic

Hand painted long stem wine glass can be used, however, must be HAND CLEANED ONLY. Gently clean with a little soap on a damp cloth.  Avoid all wetness to the stem adornments, especially the satin ribbon. A beautiful decorative give box is included for a lovely presentation and safe storage.

A perfect, one of a kind gift for the  Fabulous Fashionista!

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